Okay, here's the story. This was the first song I ever heard
that made me realize that songs could actually be about
real things. Even tragic things. This is in some ways my
favorite song for that reason. My best friend in high school
had been given several Bob Dylan albums because she was
such a fan of "Like a Rolling Stone". She didn't like any of
the albums because they weren't the rock style he was playing then...
they were older albums. She gave them to me. I can still remember
sitting on my bed listening to this song and being dumbfounded
by the story it told. The innocence of youth.
The song is "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll" which is the
true story of a Haitian woman's murder. If you'd like to read the
And speaking of Haitians, you can donate easily to the Haitians now
by texting the word HAITI to 20222 and $10.00 will be billed to
your phone bill and sent to the relief fund. This is the Clinton
Foundation. He is special envoy to Haiti. Please excuse me if you
already knew this.
As to the drawing...can't get it to scan right but I'm posting it anyway.
It's showing things that aren't there.
C'est la vie!