Not a great drawing of hands, but this is my favorite Dylan lyric
so I'm posting it anyway. It's from the song "What Good Am I?"
I decided to begin drawing again, following a list of challenges on a Yahoo group called "Everyday Matters". I wanted tight restrictions on myself, to stay focused I guess, so I decided to draw only things on that list that I could connect to a Bob Dylan lyric. So the only text that I'll include on my drawings will be lyrics. And I'll list the song the lyric is from. So here we go...
When you 'make marks' on a page from your OWN hands - they don't have to be 'great' or 'beautiful' or 'perfect'...when I look at the hands you've drawn they speak so much to me with no words said. For so many years I have been a fan of your art -- and I continue...
Lovely hands - really great rope!!!
Here you go again - last post, great eyes - this post, great hands! I think its a wonderful drawing of hands and a superb representation of the lyrics.
Love the hands..great drawing!
well done
I love your interpretation of Dylan's lyrics! and that you've reminded me of his brilliant words. Awesome blog.
It's both expressive and meaningful! :) The border and the background combination brings out the subject even more. Very well executed!
What a great drawing - very compelling and so well done! nancy
To each and every one of you, thank you so very much. Your opinions is so very much appreciated.
Another wonderful page!
Hands are so very expressive! Great page.
You are much too hard on yourself. These hands are great.
Holy cow, I never said thank you! Shame on me!
Thank you Ann and Gary and freebird!
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