Real Ukrainian egg dyers may poo poo this, and probably
rightfully so. They are absolute geniuses. But this was
fun. Not as meticulous as their work, but fun. The egg
carton lacks a lot in personality too, but hey! What can I say?
The lyrics are from the song "Highlands"
There is absolutely nothing in this world that I like better than eastern European folk art. I have always found the painted eggs as fascinating objects that take a super human form of focus and steady hand. I like your continuing the pattern on the table cloth - beautiful composition. Your treatment of the egg carton allows the focus to be where you would want it to be - genius!
The effect is amazing - looks just like a blackboard. How on earth did you do that?! Love the patterns, the lettering - all of it, as usual. If those Ukrainian egg dyers poo poo this they can go suck an egg!
This is so wonderful. It is such a dramatic piece. Really amazing work. I love how the carton fades toward the back of the right page. I am sure there is a better way to express that but I haven't had enough coffee. i think the lettering is perfect for the piece too.
Well Gary, I don't eat eggs so it's been a while since I looked closely at an egg carton and I think this looks more like an ice cube tray. But I'll pretend it's a Ukrainian egg carton, that's why it's different! And I wish I had the steady had they do...and steady eyes as well. Thanks for the "genius" comment. That might get me through the night! :o)
Dan, here's how I did it: I made a mess of another drawing, gave up on it and painted the whole spread black with cheap acrylic paint. Then I started fooling around with Prismacolor pencils on the black paint and it felt good. So I continued. I wasn't so sure I liked it and I'm still not. But that's it.
You made me laugh for the first time yesterday (bad day) with your "suck an egg" comment!
Thanks so much!
LOL Donna! Ah, caffeine. What would we do without it? I think you worded it just right. That's exactly what it does! (The lettering...still having trouble with the lettering. Ah well.)
Thanks, Donna!
It's terrific, and such colorful twist on the egg carton challenge. From my perspective, there's nothing to poo poo here!
Very creative and eye catching.
Great sketch Ellen! From imagination again? I really like how you've managed to keep the roundness of the egg! Not so easy keeping a pattern in the egg-perspective!
And I especially like how you say you do it! If I only approached each new drawing with the idea that I would be painting over it anyway...imagine the freedom found in that!!
Thank you so much Christie! I appreciate it!
Thank you, Ramona!
I guess it is freeing, Raena. The last drawing I did before this one was the fourth version. I kept reverting back to old habits on the first three. All three are history now (painted over). And the eggs were partly imagination and partly from a jigsaw puzzle I had of Ukrainian eggs. No carton, just eggs, in all sorts of positions. I may actually do another version of eggs one day.
Thanks so much raena!
L.O.V.E. it! No surprise....
Your artwork on this blog is fabulous. What a treat to look at what you've made.
Very creative! Love how you "recycled" the page. The eggs look great on the black page. That was egg-actly the perfect thing to do!
Thank you Jolene! I'm glad you like it/
Resi thank you so very much. I'm so happy you enjoyed it!
LOL Patty...egg-zactly! Love it! and I've painted out a lot of stuff, that's for sure. Recycling! You're right! Thank you.
I love your eggs. I made a few of these eggs years ago. I think it's just as hard, maybe harder, yes definitely harder, to draw them. When you do these eggs you are working on the round surface but when you draw them you have to portray a round surface. You did really well. I don't have my eggs anymore because my cat broke them all looking for the yolk in them. Your lettering is terrific.
Nicely done. I also looked around the rest of your blog. Enjoyed it all.
Freebird, I think drawing with one of those was pot things and trying to keep a straight line on a curved surface would send me running and screaming. I'm not so sure I could even do it with marking pen. Not geometric patterns anyway.
Ah, the exploits of cats. I know them well. :o) Thank you for you kind comment.
Thank you Alan. I'm glad you enjoyed my little blog!
You did a wonderful job, decorating these beauties! I agree - you made the surface like a chalkboard. I love how you have these two things - the challenge and the BD lyrics - connected. It becomes creativity at it's best!
Thank you Pattie! Somehow the challenge and the lyrics together make it easier for me. The focus becomes clearer. Since I hadn't done art for a while it felt right that way. I'm glad you like the combination. Thanks again.
Oh no, this is gorgeous! Darkness is very lively and the light elements pop up beautifully. Really great atmosphere!
Thank you Sasa! I'm so happy you like it!
This piece is simply stunning...
what beautiful work against the dark paper - absolutely gorgeous!
Wonderful job...
Thank you Nicolette!
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