I'm in an artistic funk. This one has been hanging around
for a while. I decided something is better than nothing,
even if I'm not totally happy with it. So here it is.
The lyrics are from "Boots of Spanish Leather".
I decided to begin drawing again, following a list of challenges on a Yahoo group called "Everyday Matters". I wanted tight restrictions on myself, to stay focused I guess, so I decided to draw only things on that list that I could connect to a Bob Dylan lyric. So the only text that I'll include on my drawings will be lyrics. And I'll list the song the lyric is from. So here we go...
This is a great piece Ellen. It has a very expressive painterly feel to it. The patterning is varied and balanced throughout the piece. The color is superb. The way you painted the little Buddha is expertly crafted. Perhaps the way out of the funk is to love this piece that you did here - I do.
I get it. The artist always hates her own work. But what in this is there not to be totally happy with? The little man, the composition, the colors, the pattern, the design - I would have been very, very happy to do this! Wonderful and inventive, Ellen. As wonderful as the person you are.
I know you will get out of your funk. Someone once told me that the restlessness an artist gets at times is part of the change and progress that must happen in the development of the artist's art! I am sure that is what is happening.
It is actually wonderful. i agree with Dan, artist is not always happy with his work , becoz he is creative and expects more for him. Well, about this painting, I loved it. Buddha is well painted and the color is very beautiful!
Color Pencil Drawing: Radhe Krishna
I like it - love the colours and nice composition. But funks are funks I know. It'll go soon no doubt.
Fabulous composition and very interesting interpretation of the challenge!
What's not to like! Your choice of colours is great - makes it all so 'together'.
It's a great picture. Could it be the lack of bright colors? The colors here all work together great and the drawing and composition are all great so what is left? All I can think is the color but since it works for this picture I would just do as you, post it and move on. It really is nice. Are you tired of doing the lyrics and Bob Dylan? Maybe you need a new theme for this year. Good luck. I hope your funk is very short lived.
I like this drawing very much--the foreground-the border. very nice!
Thank you to everyone.
Gary, you always have such supportive things to say. So do you, Dan. Always.
Megha, curiouscrow and Shirley and marancat, thank you so much.
Freebird, good observation. You know that normally I love bright colors. But I do like the colors here and intentionally used them, but what was different about this one is that I couldn't finish the arrangement. I had done most of it, but I really wanted the letters to be more caually strewn around than lined up in order. I couldn't get it to work, although I've done that many times before. Also, I knew I wanted an object in front of the letters, but didn't know what. Finally last week I noticed this little buddha on my shelf. Ta-da! That was it. Started several months ago, I finally finished it and then messed up on the border. This whole thing has been painted over so many times I'm surprised it's not flaking off. I still would rather have had a messier look...casually tossed letters . Before this book I worked much larger. (Not necessarily better, just larger) Maybe that tripped me up on this one. But tired of doing the Dylan lyrics? Never. I think I could do them forever!
I echo the sentiments offered....this is beautiful and your work shows such skill and thoughtfulness, yet I am perplexed that the artists who are those I consider the "really great ones" - whose work I admire for one reason or another, are the ones who have most difficulty loving their own work. I wonder if the better we get at our craft, the harder we get on ourselves. It's as if we keep raising the bar just outside of our grasp. Which isn't bad to keep us striving to hone our skills, but on the otherhand, if we are not careful that same focus can keep us feeling defeated and never good enough. Is it any wonder then, that many great artists struggle with depression. I say this - Find the small bits you can love, let the rest go, and consider this a journey. Not a quick one, but a long winding one with all the glorious highs and some cruddy lows... knowing ALL of it colors our experiences. I hope the funky part of your journey is over soon and you find a light to draw you out and up to a lovely new view. Blessings, and keep painting!!
I think it is wonderful! I would be tickled if I got something like this done. I love the patterns and the colors! Understand the rut though. You'll come through it!
Thank you Cheryl. Very interesting insight. I think I probably didn't think this one out enough. Usually I get an almost instant idea of what I want and then kind of refine it. I kept running into roadblocks on this one. I probably learned a lot though.
Raena, thank you. I hope I earn your confidence in me!
Ellen, this is terrific. I hope you get out of your funk soon. Have you read Art and Fear? It might help.
I think your work is amazing, including this piece. It's all too easy to look at our work and see the parts that didn't turn out the way we imagined, then diminish it in our minds. All I can say is that I think the whole piece works - composition, color and technique come together to make something special. Your funk will pass - they always do, but they sure aren't fun when you're in them. Treat yourself gently until you come roaring out the other side. nancy
Oh Ellen, great one! I love the composition! Your connection, as always, is righteous! I agree with Dan, the 'funk' is all part of the process. When that happens, I realize how my brain continues to DO art. I think of it as a growth spurt, visualize the corn cob on the cornstalk, as it grows bigger and riper kernels of lucious sweet corn! Sorry to use that analogy, but that is where I live and what I understand :D! You will hit the ground again soon!
Thank you Donna! I think I read that book a while back. I may have to revisit it!
Nanke, thank you so much. I think you and the others are right. The funk will pass. I think I'm seeing it slide a bit further away each day. My biggest concern is that it has stayed for a long time in the past. This time i'll work at kicking it out!
Pattie, thank you for your kind comments and insight. Hey, I love analogies, so I don't mind a bit. BTW, I voted!
I love, love this piece. Everything about it. I have a little Buddha figurine, a laughing Buddha, that sits right here beside my computer and behind him I have a card that reads, "everything is already ok". I need that reminder sometimes. Maybe you do too?
Thank you Ann. And maybe you're right. I need a reminder now and again. And I think I've worked my way out of my funk for now. Good quotation, there. Thanks again, Ann.
Wow! Not totally happy!? I'd be ecstatic to have drawn such a beautiful drawing. Your artistic talent shines through in every single drawing! I'll be back, for sure! :)
Oh Joan, thank you so much! That's so very nice to hear! :o)
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