Okay well, kind of simple. Not a lot to say, just a few simple bottles. Oh and the moleskine started to split. That's why the big black line is in the center. I'll fix it.
The lyrics are from "Restless Farewell"
I decided to begin drawing again, following a list of challenges on a Yahoo group called "Everyday Matters". I wanted tight restrictions on myself, to stay focused I guess, so I decided to draw only things on that list that I could connect to a Bob Dylan lyric. So the only text that I'll include on my drawings will be lyrics. And I'll list the song the lyric is from. So here we go...
Not kind of simple at all!! Glass is one of the hardest things to make I think and all those folds!! You've done a great job!
I agree with Janet Ghio - not simple at all! The first word that popped into my head was 'bohemian' for some reason upon seeing this. I can 'feel' the glass in my hands and the soft folds of blanket (rug?). Beautiful.
Count me in with the rest ... folds And glass! Quite the challenge, but you've done a beautiful job with both. nancy
Beautiful work! Not simple at all!
This is really great and I love how detailed it is!
Simply beautiful!
You took a very complex scene and made it work beautifully, what with the glass bottles and all the folds in the blanket.
I love those cobalt blue bottles! We have a small collection of cobalt blue glassware and you captured that color perfectly. And that's very hard to do. Plus the pattern and folds - this is a beautiful page!
Yay! Glad to see you back to posting! This is wonderful. You did a great job on the glass, but my favorite part is your mastery of the folds!
Wonderful rendition of fabric and I love that column of cups! Your sketches are so colourful and cheering. (Not that poor Hattie is chearing...)
Thank you so much for your comment Ellen ^^ it's great to be back and active again too.
I love the bottles with the white lines to indicate the smooth and glossy surface, especially when they are blue. The bricks at the back are beautifully rendered and uniform. I am sorry your Moleskine broke, I hope it's fixed now.
Your art is beautiful and I love the EDM-Dylan lyrics concept. I've been thinking about illustrating Pink Floyd :)
Wow, this is beautiful! And the details are incredible. Nicely done!
I *love* this! The fabric, bottles and bricks are all so well done. Each of these parts has highlights that keeps the piece from becoming too dark and adds real interest. Wonderful work.
i love the 'carpet' under the bottles, it's very exotic *.* nice job
Thank you to each and every single one of you. You are all so generous to leave such kind comments.
This is stunning. (Do I use that word over and over with your work, "stunning"?) Nothing wrong with bottles - a perfectly legitimate subject for a still life, I think. And it's not what you draw (Remember EDM), it's how you do it - I love the way they are arranged (the composition), their color, the pattern and folds of the blanket, the bricks, and the words..what do you know, I've left nothing out.
Again, thank you for your comment on my watercolor painting. :) You're right, I definitely need to do it more often to get more practice out of it ^^
Teeeheee ^^ I know what you meant Ellen, I was just playing and being humble(typical chinese) at the same time.
I totally understand your concern for your grandson. Usually the family are the ones who will be the ones with the worries. So far I am pretty lucky that my dad and sister have never been called to fight in the frontline(fingers crossed), and hopefully your grandson will share the same privilege too if he ever enlists himself. May you be well and happy.
It's so beautiful! There's a french word that comes to my mind when I look at your art : "somptueux" - it means both gorgeous and rich. Amazing work on the carpet under the bottles!
I think its a beautiful page. Good job on the glass bottles and fabric.
Many thanks! ^^ I don't really know what else to say, and I am glad you like the shoes too. Vibram would be so happy knowing there are potential customers such as yourself.. I don't work for them but I think if there's something fun or cool, or actually good for your knees, you should always share it with people around you^^
Les choses les plus simples sont parfois, je dirais même souvent les plus compliquées à réaliser... Très bonne réalisation
I like the effect you get with dark colors. Nice one!
I have given you the Kreativ Blogger Award. Check my blog Ramona's Art Projects for details.
Ellen you've got a wonderful blog! I do like your works, they are so colourful and with a touch of mystery sometimes. I added a link in my favorite blogs list.
The drapery is awesome :-)
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