I had wanted to do a vintage suitcase for a long time and
just hoped someone would put it on the list of challenges.
I wanted to put a dog on top of the suitcase. But since it said a
"filled suitcase" I just put him inside of it.
The lyrics are from "Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You"
Truly wonderful, Ellen! That is such a wonderful face!
I love your drawing! Thanks for the chuckle today.
Amazing and spectacular. Wonderful work.
How cute! Is the dog yours or did you imagine him (her?). My grandmother used to have a suitcase just like that one. Nice memories for me. nancy
This is a charming sketch--very well done. i am curious about what materials you used to create it (paper, etc,)
Oh wow! What a lovely surprise!
Thank you Betty,Sandy and Donna.
Nancy I have a bad habit of drawing from my imagination. I'm trying to stop that. For this I used a combination of two pictures I had clipped of bulldogs.
Janene this and all my drawings posted here are done in a small Moleskine journal 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" with the smooth buff colored pages. For this one and a couple of others I first put on a coat of clear gesso, let it dry and then painted it black. The drawing is primarily Prismacolor pencils and a toucch of acrylic paint.
I'm glad you like it Minerva!
This is beautiful! :) I really like old cases, and that's bad because I don't get rid of my old ones even when they are already damaged or broken... I always hold on to the memory of the places where I brought the cases with.
Really nice and cute drawing, and I am so happy seeing the cute doggy in it too.
Thank you Ellen for all your comments on my posts.
It's wonderful! The dog's expression is perfect too!
Awesome piece! Love it!
lovely and fun ! I like the way his tongue is hanging out. You did a lot of pape preparation and work for this challenge
Beau travail, tellement rempli de sensibilité
wow, this is great! The dark background gives a really adds to the vintage look. Such a good drawing too.
This is funny - and a great drawing . The dog is full of character.
Gosh, this is amazing!
Did you draw this just from your imagination? It looks so real! It's perfect! (The rest of your pictures is fantastic too!)
I'm really impressed! <3
Oh, what an adorable dog! Love the vintage suitcase too.
I am always amazed at peoples creativity. You definitely got creative and wonderfully artsy here. Love the picture. Great art!
Great drawing, the rich colours really work with the vintage case and the dog
Alex, thank you so much. I love old suitcases too. Full of charm. And you're always welcome and deserving of any compliments.
Thanks so much Ann, pthaloblu, and Alissa!
Merci, Martinealison!
Louise I think I'm hooked on dark backgrounds! It's so much fun to work on them. Thank you!
Thanks to curiouscrow, E*phi,Kristameister and Ramona and debra! I appreciate all of your comments so much!
That's so funny - it's true, animals are always attracted to open suitcases! I love your take on this EDM.
Once again you knock it out of the park for me! Every Dylan song I hear I think of you my friend :)
That's an amazing art; I just kept looking!
This is wonderful! i love the dog's expression!
Wonderful! I love your take on this challenge! But, oh boy, those dogs drool a lot!
Ellen - this is so magnificent! I love how you created this from two different photos. So creative. And the soft feel of it - like pastels. Have you ever thought of taking one of these magnificent pieces of art and making a larger piece to hang? Maybe with pastel? Anyway, I've missed you. Started to wonder if everything was okay, since it'd been so long since you posted, and then lo and behold, you had! And I missed it! And it is such high quality, as always!
Thank you Leslie, Jolene, Bhavesh ffyreirs and raena!
Thank you Dan. I might paint outside of the journal one day, but not yet. But thanks so much for wondering!
Rats, I messed up ffyrebird's name. Sorry about that!
This is great Ellen. I love how the dog ended up inside the suitcase! Worked out great.
Beautiful imagination Ellen! Wonderful drawing..
He looks like the "Butler Univ." bulldog. I want to know how you are doing these dark backgrounds? And I think they are really nice! Also, we had a debate as to whether or not that is really Bob Dylan singing the song at the beginning of the T.V. show "Parenthood"? Have you seen it?
Thank you so much Freebird, Megha and Pattie.
Pattie I've simply been painting the pages with a clear gesso, then a layer of black acrylic paint. It makes a very tough and sturdy work surface.
I have not seen Parenthood yet but I'll watch for it. I read online that the theme song is his "Forever Young" (a song he wrote for one of his children, I heard), but there seemed to be differences of opinion about whether he sings this version.
I watch Parenthood and one week I am sure it is Bob Dylan singing and the next I am sure it is not. It's a mystery! FWIW, I really like the show. I find the family that is learning to cope with a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome very moving and realistic.
I have an episode online now but they didn't play the theme song at the beginning. And I agree about the Aperger's. Good idea.
Hey Donna and Ellen, my hubster was the one who questioned it to me...I can't tell, it sounds like a younger Dylan if that..but I like it anyway. The show is quite good..deals with several 'cliche' family situations, but it moves along and doesn't drag down with any one theme for too long..Ron Howard directing was the draw for me. Having been trained (and taught) kids with Aspberger's - I know where of this character comes from. The situation seems true to life - family dynamics and all.
I am so intrigued! If it means anything, Dylan is credited on IMDB with the pilot only. No mention of any other episodes, and they do list hundreds of other shows.
Aspberger's seems such a fascinating condition to me. It'll be interesting to watch this show.
I watched it. I can see why you're conflicted. If I had to guess I'd say yes, it's him. But it could be an impersonator. I have not heard that version before, just the one on Planetwaves. This one sounds like a live performance and it must have been a long time ago, because his voice is so raspy now. Also, I haven't heard that song so fast paced before.
So that's my guess. It is him. Or an impersonator. ??? I need to hear it again.
Heard it again last night. I really think it's him.
Fantastic - both interpretation of challenge and the picture!
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