Thought about doing a fancy hat with flowers and such.
Might still do it another time. But this time it's simpler.
The lyric is from "Black Diamond Bay".
I decided to begin drawing again, following a list of challenges on a Yahoo group called "Everyday Matters". I wanted tight restrictions on myself, to stay focused I guess, so I decided to draw only things on that list that I could connect to a Bob Dylan lyric. So the only text that I'll include on my drawings will be lyrics. And I'll list the song the lyric is from. So here we go...
I am just amazed by your blog. Your journal pages are wonderful. And you were so clever to come up with a concept blog. Hats off to you, lol!
HAHA! Good one! Thanks so much Donna. The lyrics put pictures in my mind which helps a lot. They always have, so I guess I have 44 years of pictures in my head by now. Geez! No wonder I can't find my keys! :o)
This is wonderful Is it in pencil? So much detail.
Thanks for sharing.
Lots of love from susan in australia
What a great drawing! I love the character in the face and the colors. Well done, indeed!
No flowers needed - great hat. Cool expression. The weathered face is wonderful. Love the lyric around the edges. I can picture the whole story..
Wonderful - what character she has!
Great composition - I love the drawing of the woman.
Great pages Ellen. I think what you are doing with your blog is cool.
This is wonderful! Love that hat, scarf and her expression. And of course the lyrics. It all works so perfectly.
Wow. Terrific! She looks well-lived. The hat is fitting to her face.
I love the look on her face. It's like she knows a secret we don't. Great art.
You draw so well! I love the mood of this piece.
Thank you SO much everyone. To be honest, she looks a little bit like an old boss of mine. I'm not sure wgat that means. Oh well!
Susan, most of what I do is mixed media. Generally they srart out with watercolor pencil, then move on to whatever strikes my fancy at the time. This one is watercolor pencil, Prismacolor pencil, Sharpie pens (the new ones that don't bleed through the paper), acrylic paint, Crayola colored pencils, Grumbacher watercolor, and white marking pen. I may have left something out. As you can see I'm not a purist.
Thank you all again.
Oh my. Quite a mix of media! The results are wonderful. I usually stop at 2, mmmmm....... Thanks for the inspiration!
...just too cool for words...
Incredible! I love the hat, and the post in general.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my drawing. Tanna really liked it, and she told me the other day that she's going to get me a cowboy hat ^^ I've always wanted one of those, so being a labor of love pays off really well too Teeheeheehee
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